Claudia Fortier

Claudia Fortier
Director Institute of Technologies,
Arts and Communication at La Cité

Holder of a master’s degree in public administration – managerial profile from the University of Quebec – National School of Public Administration as well as a college diploma in Pharmaceutical Techniques from La Cité, Claudia has demonstrated her passion and leadership in various positions which she has held at the College over the past 14 years. Claudia is a visionary leader, passionate about the world of education and constantly motivated by challenges.

Since joining the Collège La Cité team in 2010 as a professor and coordinator of the Pharmaceutical Techniques program, Claudia was quickly recognized for her management expertise, which allowed her to join the deputy director position at the Institute of Technology, Arts and Communication (ITAC) from 2021 to 2023. Since 2023, she has held the position of director of ITAC where she plays a key role at the College.

Throughout her professional career at La Cité, Claudia has demonstrated inspiring collaborative leadership and a marked interest in pedagogy, always focused on student success. She guided the improvement of several academic processes which had a significant impact on the academic progress of students. She also demonstrated reassuring leadership to the teams, demonstrating her commitment to developing students’ skills.

Thanks to her great listening skills, her open-mindedness, her determination and her will, she will be able to transmit her passion and her desire to evolve in collaboration with all of the College’s external partners.